Imagination Rising Remix Event
Ran Dumb Dots...... .. .:
Sun, Nov 5 10:39 PM The Big OT :: Remix or Song
Here's a link to a very similar past discussion. I think it might be interestin...
Thu, Oct 19 1:18 AM The Big OT :: Halloween-Freesound Challenge?
Here's what I came up with - Enjoy!
Mon, Oct 16 3:01 AM The Big OT :: Halloween-Freesound Challenge?
I think Audacity opens .aif files. And for flac, check out the flac website's d...
Mon, Oct 16 2:56 AM The Big OT :: Halloween-Freesound Challenge?
Hey, thanks for the interest....I finally started working on my "piece" this wee...
Fri, Oct 6 2:41 AM The Big OT :: Halloween-Freesound Challenge?
I'm not ashamed to admit that Halloween is one of my favorite holidays....jack-o...
Mon, Sep 18 1:11 AM Bugs :: attribution when files go away
not really a bug - a question: I've noticed that when I remix an upload from an...
Thu, Sep 14 12:57 AM Bugs :: BPM data field not available on a cappella upload
I'm not certain whether or not the BPM field was there the first time....I reali...
Sun, Sep 3 3:17 AM Pluggy Plugs :: SecretMixter III - Splice Madness
Hey....sure...sign me up again..... .. .
Sun, Sep 3 2:31 AM DIY :: A couple free VST's I'm liking (one ePiano and one guitar amp sim & multi-effect)
I have been looking around for some new sounds lately, and I have a couple keepe...
Fri, Aug 11 1:14 PM Bugs :: tiny bug on "Your Page"
I've noticed this a few times, and it hurts nothing, but might as well mention i...
Fri, Aug 4 7:27 PM The Big OT :: Sample Packs?
would another way to partly address this be to have a multi-file uploader as par...
Fri, Aug 4 5:22 PM The Big OT :: Sample Packs?
yep, understood - I guess I was sort of responding to and extrapolating from Luk...
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