Perimus Music Group, LLC:

Perimus Music Group, LLC

About Me
Perimus Music Group, LLC was founded in 2008, and is based out of Manassas, VA. The label, which specializes in all music genres, is a culmination of years of work and a big dream.

The vehicle that drives this organization is The Artist. Perimus Music Group is organized into

three branches; the Executive branch led by Katherine Peters, President/CEO; the Production

branch led by Lorin Peters, Exe…cutive Vice President; and the Distribution branch led by Alan

Peters, Vice President. A vast DJ network and state agents that are in Atlanta, California,

DC/MD/VA, Florida, Michigan, and New York allows us the ability to market and reach a broad

audience. We believe in focusing on the artist and building a strong partnership. We are taking

it back to music industry’s origins, like the days of Motown, where the artists were groomed to

become performers and the music label was family.
Member since
Mon, Oct 29, 2012
Feeds and Podcasts for Perimus Music Group, LLC
Perimus Music Group, LLC has no remixes and has not been remixed