Sat, Oct 23 10:05 PM |
The Big OT :: Why is the quality of music at CCMixter so high?
So perhaps my point is this: some of my favourite music I've come across at ... |
Sat, Oct 23 3:54 PM |
The Big OT :: Why is the quality of music at CCMixter so high?
It is harder with remixes than it is with "bands" - a lot harder. Music is much ... |
Sat, Oct 23 1:22 PM |
The Big OT :: Why is the quality of music at CCMixter so high?
Just to hit on what Per brought up, I think it's a fine line (and balance) betwe... |
Fri, Oct 22 7:24 PM |
The Big OT :: Why is the quality of music at CCMixter so high?
yeah, having been around since pretty much day 1, I think part of the reason why... |
Sun, Jul 11 11:44 PM |
The Big OT :: Prince: the internet is over
yeah, i like Prince's music more than I like his attitude. I think sometimes he ... |
Mon, Jun 7 10:02 PM |
The Big OT :: Secret Mixter!!
I've been pretty busy, which is why I sat this round out, but I'm looking forwar... |
Sun, May 16 10:10 PM |
Parts Wanted :: Promos for The Mixin' Kitchen &
As a side note to Susan's request, please submit any promos like she is asking f... |
Fri, Apr 23 9:58 AM |
Pluggy Plugs :: The Orange Album - Harmony Reloaded
Hey, check out this fine new effort from Emily and friends!
It's free! and it... |
Mon, Apr 5 8:50 PM |
Announcements :: MARCH MIXUP MADNESS!
Hey, check out the nice writeup and plug for the Secret Mixter by the very fine ... |
Thu, Mar 18 12:32 PM |
Announcements ::
Great job Michael & Victor! |
Sat, Mar 6 1:36 AM |
Announcements :: Final Cool Music Show
yeah but about 350 of them (4 x 89) are voiceovers! :) |
Fri, Mar 5 5:49 PM |
Announcements :: Final Cool Music Show
thanks again for your promos!
"Forever more, if someone ever asks me if I wa... |