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How I Did It

Just One Night
by ditto ditto
Recommends (9)
Tue, Mar 13, 2007 @ 8:41 AM

Tools I Used

I use Cubase SX2, a groovebox MC505, a Squier (imit Télécaster) and a Zoom effect G21u.I've connected the groove and the guitar on a VS840 Roland (just for EQ and some effects).That's all..!

Samples I Used

State of..M.Kelvin, Erh new groove( don't remember where i've found it sorry..!)and some personal samples (the cymbals/drums on the B part)

Original Samples

All the musical parts: percus loops, bass, organ and other "white noises" come from the groove, using different effects.


In Cubase. One track by sound and after.. play with the scissors ,"ctrl C and V" and add Cubase effects.Mix on 24bits+EQ and after on MP3.