Imagination Rising Remix Event

How I Did It

NadaNada by Silvia O Remix
by Tapsa
Recommends (5)
Sun, Jul 2, 2006 @ 2:03 PM

Uses samples from:

Samples are used in:


Tools I Used

Sonar5 Producer edition, Ableton Live5 M-audio bundle, Jamsticks Drum software, Cakewalk and Ableton plugins for eq and compression. NI B4 Hammond emulation, Fender Stratocaster y.-73, Vox Tonelab.

Samples I Used

Nada Nada By Silvia O
Ableton live drum loop probably fron tutorial files.

Original Samples

Guitars, Hammond part , Drums and bass.


I set simple steady drum loop for whole song lenght. Splitted vocal file and set slices to right spots.
Played rythm guitar with wah pedal (2nd take i believe). Mouse clicked bass part, and edited bit of timing and velocity variance for humanized groove. Hammond part and finally lead guitars.
Jamsticks drum soft was on free jam mode, and set it's brains off, as i was satisfied with results.

Other Notes

I allways set some kind of goal to my projects. This time it was "Groove over perfection"
I love that raging Hammond. It sounds good, even im not a keyboard player at all.