Imagination Rising Remix Event

How I Did It

(ROCK-REMIX) Remember the name
by Marc_Haub
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Sat, May 6, 2006 @ 6:12 PM

Tools I Used

guitar, Locic Instruments and Effects.

Samples I Used

I did not used the HiHatīs not the woods and no Strings.

Original Samples

mostly guitar staff


I listend to the Vocals together with the beat. I played guitar, until I had the main riff. I did some other guitar work, in order to make it a little more variedly. I listend a lot and finally I put some gimmix in.

Other Notes

I was a bit too deep into work, so I almost made a big mistake. The vocals were slipped a bit in time, but theB. told me about. It wasnīt bad, it was different. I have heard my remix so often, that it was a bit funny for me, that the real time was the better. (but the "out of time"-Version had a lot of very nice moments.