
How I Did It

Ghost Toast feat. Shannon Hur...
by waryou303
Recommends (6)
Wed, Jun 12, 2013 @ 2:44 AM

Uses samples from:


Tools I Used

band members :) drummer, guitarist, piano/cello player, bass player (myself)
Samplitude 11 Pro, Izotope Ozone, Atmosphere, Omnisphere, Reason 4

Samples I Used

Shannon Hurley - Life Is Strange

Original Samples

all other arrangements were done by the band


drums, bass, guitars, keyboards, fx were all recorded separately, mixed in Samplitude, mastered with Ozone

Other Notes

this is the first ever track from this band that produced a trance-like track. we are into progressive rock/drum&bass/metal/postrock mostly, it was refreshing to do something else for a change. check out our homepage for the upcoming new album! and thanks for listening!