How I Did It

by Quarkstar
Tools I Used
Ableton 9
Drums: Superior Drummer
Bass: Ableton Electric FM Basic Bass
Guitars: reFX Slayer2
Synth: ZebraCM JA Ringing PulseBass
Pads: DUNE CM, Valenciana
I had already worked on some parts for Unsaid by pattisPeng and used that for the basis of the work.
I have been listening to Indian music and how the notes are played, I tried to bring the same aesthetic to the playing in this tune.
Other Notes
As soon as I heard snowflakes spoken word I really wanted to create the music for it. I realised that it was going to have to dig deep, first spoken word, a serious heartfelt theme and a slow beat.
I felt that a sparse beginning leading up to a choral ending would fit the words. I used only a few instruments and worked on the tone and feel of each note.
Unfortunately I fell ill and the deadline for submission loomed so I had to rush it and the choral part is missing at the moment.