How I Did It

by salvatore_j
Uses samples from:
Samples are used in:
Tools I Used
Computer: Custom built Intel Extreme /Pentium 3.4Ghz Quad Core / 4GHz DDR3/1333MHz RAM
Software: FL Studio 10 Producer Edition / bundled FLP Plugs and Generators.
>> MOTO 24I/O
>> Crest Audio X8-32 channel Console (Analog)
>> BBE series 2
>> Tannoy Reveal 5A
Samples I Used
"RAVE" loop Courtesy FL Studio.
License? I have no clue, but, if i had to guess non-commercial... (Um,,, even though this riff/sound is as common as oxygen !!.)
FLP Preset Drum tracks (sequences modified)
Royalty free
Original Samples
lol---I don't know what counts as original over created?. hence: My notes / their sound?
This is what i did -----
I chose the Synth generators picking one of many internal preset sounds (making modifications). put notes into piano roll..
Quite frankly , i don't know how i manage, cause, my ADD has me all over the map with no set order, except for the vocals, always first.
Other Notes
Interesting thought?
Every-time i play with Shadows vocals, seem to get things right...