Deep Roots Remix Event

How I Did It

When Tomorrow Comes
by salvatore_j
Recommends (6)
Mon, Dec 20, 2010 @ 6:21 PM

Tools I Used

Composed in FL Studio 9.7 Producer
Edition, Internal Plugs.
Moto 24 I/O interface.
Crest Audio X8 24x8x2 console.
Tannoy 5A powered Monitors.
Adode Audition 1.5

Samples I Used

FL Studio Internal
Kick- streched
Hats- Streched & tweeked
Piano- Streched, parts Re-aranged
By sbenrap Humpty Dumpty Samples cc music.

Original Samples

Three various sweeps and hits
were sliced from the tail end of shadows vocal notes all processed
into a unique sample---
the plus side of doing this is there always in key


Most fell into place by accident,
but, not without lots of slicing even after streching.
Both the piano and lyrics had to be arranged seperate then fit together, piece by piece.

Other Notes

After downloading shadow I started
to tinker, in my piano folder found
this wonderful score feeling it was the one,and was.
I spent the next 3.5 days editing, stretching, re-arranging to match.
all the time spent, still there are a few sloppy edits- lol.

this was the first time I mixed from my computer onto a recently installed console via a MoTo 24 i/o interface -- There is nothing like the feeling of faders and knobs, more-so the Eq control!!
If you ever thought of doing this,
Just do it. It's better then night and day.
