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How I Did It

Infiltration-Fear of Machines...
by DJ Psyonik Fantasy
Recommends (4)
Thu, Nov 4, 2010 @ 2:25 PM

Uses samples from:


Tools I Used


Plug-ins that were used: High Pass Filter, Low Pass Filter, Delay, Fade-out, Echo.

Samples I Used

I used samples from Trifonic's Infiltration under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License.

Original Samples

My own voice at parts.


My usual process, and also recording my voice. I used a method I call 'Robot Applicator' using the delay plug-in in a specific way.

Other Notes

The first half is heavy with vocals, made to sound like they are part of an older radio or television broadcast. The second half is less involved to allow for the main loop to be enjoyed in it's purest form.