How I Did It

by DavidNilsson
Uses samples from:
Samples are used in:
Tools I Used
Reason 4, ReCycle, Audition, microphone.
Original Samples
Just me singing "In Robot City", made into a vocoder =)
There is always hard to begin a remix. Where to start?
For this song I started with opening all the tracks in Audition and put them together to form the original song. Then I knew how Brad built it up.
The next step was to export the main guitar chords! Then I imported the wav into ReCycle and cut it into tiny pieces, so it would be easier to edit it in Reason.
ReCycle is my favourite tool for sampling, EVER.
After I layed down the chords with a DR:Rex I went into Audition again and exported the guitar licks at the end of Brads song.
This was where the fun started. He made a good job playing the right notes, so after importing it to ReCycle I could play solos like a pro.
That's what you are hearing besides the chord; just cut and paste from the guitar lick. It sounds like a real spanish guitar player, but it's just me draging the notes into the sequencer.
After that it was easy. I tried different drums, hiphop, drum&bass, techno.. but decided to stick with Brads version. It sounded soooo much better.
Other Notes
Thanks to Brad Sucks for sharing to the community! I might do more remixes on your songs ;)