How I Did It

Uses samples from:
Tools I Used
Ableton Live 7
Samples I Used
Cauliflower - Piano by Shimoda
Original Samples
Just some semi-random midi piano generated in Ableton.
Brought Cauliflower into Ableton, and started finding little 6 beat long loops that I thought sounded good. There are 3 loop tracks, 2 of which have grain delays on them (modified from presets Ascent and Five). The third track is just an untreated loop. Lastly, I used an arpeggiator on a "Piano for Airports" midi track, modified to play notes semi-randomly. That's pretty much the process. :-)
Other Notes
I had happened across a Reaktor tutorial using a piano piece on a grain delay, and decided to experiment with that sound. Poked around CCMixter for an appropriate piano piece, and the rest is history.