Resilience Secret Mixter Mixing in Progress

How I Did It

Taurine Crash
by jaspertine
Recommends (5)
Fri, Jul 18, 2008 @ 12:58 PM

Uses samples from:



I started off wanting to do something... different, with PS's jungle drums. I took a loop out of the intro, copied onto 4 separate tracks, and then changed the loop points on, so that with every pass, they fell increasingly out of sync with one another, I resampled about 30 bars of the ensuing chaos and used that as my main percussion part, then added some more conventional drums over top.

After working out a decent loop, I brought out the good ol' beat repeat device and used it to mulch up part of the drums for added chaos. Come to think of it, BR got a lot of use on this track.

The Sholar sample was also heavily mistreated, to the point where it's probably not unrecognizable, though it's actually present through much of the track.

Other sounds were frequently chopped up, distorted, resampled, and thrown back in as separate layers.

The ending was made up of some particularly cut-up drum sounds, resampled, copied, pasted, and played back forward and backwards at the same time, and at different speeds.