
How I Did It

Copycat (Sunrise Mix)
by Ic3m4n
Recommends (1)
Tue, Jul 8, 2008 @ 12:26 PM

Uses samples from:

Samples are used in:


Tools I Used

-Fruity Loops

Samples I Used

Found the samples here at ccmixter... since then i am addicted to the voice of Shannon ;)

Original Samples

In the end i created three wavefiles of the original and 7 voice samples of Shannon. If someone is interested i can upload that stuff too !?


Started with original SID-tune "copycat.sid" played with "SIDplay" (the 2nd mp3-file is that 8bit-original)...i exported all channels seperately, so i ended up with three wavefiles. These where then imported into "Fruity Loops" and the project bpm were set to the original (125 bpm). Next Step was reconstructing the song-parts and make different patterns of it (for an easier arranging later on). After "tracing" all basslines, lead-vocals and pads the real fun can begin: The Arrangement. Setting the Remix to 137 BPM would make it more dancier...After the arrangement was set, i thought the track could use/would need some human parts in it i added the crowd-samples to create an intro & outro. Then i found "Sunrise" by Shannon Hurley and knew it has to be in that Copycat-Tune ;) So i cut out the words "Sunrise" and parts of "I wanna..." and build samples of it...these were pitched and stretched to fit the projects needs and used as chorus parts in the final. After touching up the track with "Audition" the final remix was born :D
Because of it´s lenght (5:29) some good friend of mine asked to shorten it to more suitable lenght for online radios ;) i created a "Radio Paralax Edit" wich can be found on my website.

Other Notes

I really like the vibes of that gives me a nicely warm feeling. Too bad i don´t have the time to create a musicvideo for it...but maybe sometimes ;)