
How I Did It

by Doghouse Riley
Recommends (23)
Mon, May 19, 2008 @ 10:53 AM

Uses samples from:


Tools I Used

Wail, in deference ta Fourstones:

I use Sonar 7PE and these here is them "Addictive Drums" (although I kin leave em ifn I want to, Honest)and I used more VST effects plugs than Carter's got Little Liver Pills.

Samples I Used

The kind them little old ladies at the Wal-Mart pass out at the end of the aisle.

Original Samples

As I've said before, they was only one "original" Samples, and his name was Junior.


Painstakinly, while Buster nearly pester-warts me ta death.

Other Notes

Wail, I was channelin Mr. Phil Spector AND Mr. Berry Gordy Jr. so that right there was a purty heavy burden.