Resilience Secret Mixter Playlist

How I Did It

To our own Convictions
by jaspertine
Recommends (4)
Sat, Sep 1, 2007 @ 8:24 PM

Tools I Used

Ableton, Simple Additive Synth, Linplug cm-505, Acoustic guitar

Samples I Used

Cello and a cappella, both from this site

Original Samples

everything else


The bass is just a basic squarewave, the drums came from raw computer data, curved into beats, then with a resonator at the same fundamental frequency as the bass, and the cm-505 to add a bit more sustain to the kick.

Keyboards were all sequenced, and a severely transformed guitar loop was played in a complimentary key.

The cello and vocals were the last thing to enter the fold, and were used rather sparingly.

Other Notes

For the mostpart, the idea of just grabbing an a cappella and recording music for it isn't very interresting to me. Otherwise, I'd just record my own vocals and be done with it, so the tendency is to treat them like speech samples, or incidental noise. This might sound rude, but all I'm trying to do is let my mind wander wherever it might go.

The exciting part about making electronic music is that all the little bits pull the whole piece in completely different directions, and what starts off as a simple idea mutates into something that I never see coming... nor try to.

This is why I like using the term post-dance to descrybe what I do. It's about half experimental and half self referencingly deriviative. the term is also a nod to the post-rock bands that blow my mind.