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Love Came To Mind

uploaded: Tue, Dec 27, 2011 @ 7:58 AM last modified: Sun, Jul 8, 2012 @ 12:40 PM  (replace)
bySteven M Bryant
Recommends (29)
I wanted to keep this simple..I was trying to make it a bit dramatic…Dont know if I did that…Snowflakes song was great so I went for this great Piano…
The first time I saw you girl love came to mind
Just one look stopped the world and stopped time
And I’ve never been the same
You could say I was blind
The first time I saw you love came to mind
Your etched in my memory your under my skin
The first time you looked at me I let you in
In my heart and in my soul
Changed forever forever gold
A peaceful feeling I can’t explain
I was wild now I’m tame
Time goes on its gets better still
With your love I get my fill
I am now a much better man
I know I am I know I am
So much better yes thanks to you
The sun is shining the skies are blue
Steadfast and true all due to you

"Love Came To Mind"
by Steven M Bryant

2011 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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