What This Feels Like (pell)
uploaded: Tue, Jun 3, 2014 @ 7:35 PM last modified: Tue, Jun 3, 2014 @ 7:38 PM (add)
I wrote this song for my hubby and our first anniversary coming up this month. The lyrics to this song are all taken from a letter he wrote me before we were married. :)
The remix including Kara’s amazing uke can be heard HERE. What This Feels Like Never stop raising the bar For ourselves, for each other Our growth is depending on Pushing each other And remember not to fall Too far apart from each other Be always there with a light and a hand For each other Exploring Uncharted Territory With completely open minds Sensitive consciousness Focus and remember what this feels like Exploring Uncharted Territory With completely open eyes Focus, focus, Focus and remember what this feels like I’ve been here alone Through reflection, meditation Never with someone else Focus and remember what this feels like Never with someone else Focus and remember what this feels like Exploring Uncharted Territory With completely open minds Sensitive consciousness Focus and remember what this feels like Exploring Uncharted Territory With completely open eyes Focus, focus, Focus and remember Thank you for the beauty of this oneness so far Deep in my core Discovering more Through each other
big_summer_fest, acappella, media, featured, bpm_085_090, trackback, in_video, non_commercial, audio, mp3, 44k, mono, CBR, archive, zip, unplugged, songwriter, folk, female_vocals, love, anniversary, pleiades_lounge
Contents of ZIP Archive: pell and vocal stems
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"What This Feels Like (pell)"
by Snowflake 2014 - Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) Click here for how to give credit and other conditions. Samples are used in: |