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Theres No Surprise

uploaded: Sat, May 2, 2009 @ 11:28 PM
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After wrestling with the sitar this time as a rhythm instrument rather than just a solo one, I’m convinced that its an instrument closest to that of a woman.
Just when you think its all going OK - it suddenly slips a semitone, grabs a finger and goes off in its own key.

Seriously though, this song was the second of my recent creative implosion and you may be able to detect that my creative juices flow inversely to my production patience. More about the song, rather than production values, I say.

Thanks Susan for some lovely lyrics that I find somewhat autobiographical.

It took me years to realise that a goofy surfer guy with curly locks playing the guitar attracted chicks like flies to a spit roast.
Now that I’m older and wiser and its far too late, I’m now simply another dirty old man on the beach trying to pickup. (read suave charming guy with guitar)
If only I knew THEN what I think I know NOW…
Boys, play in a minor key, then shift back up to the major resolve just as you look her in the eye. Its as simple as that.
I think Loveshadow figured this out years ago, so I included a small byte of his dulcid tones.

Susan in her infinite wisdom already knows this, so I won’t try it on this time ;-)
(Anyway in her avatar pic she’s looking the other way)
S x

Scomber 2009

"Theres No Surprise"
by ScOmBer

2009 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

Click here for how to give credit and other conditions.

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