Imagination Rising Remix Event
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Today (essesq mashup)

uploaded: Wed, Nov 4, 2009 @ 9:27 AM last modified: Thu, Nov 12, 2009 @ 7:40 PM  (add)
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What is special about the Secret Mixter is it makes remixers go deep into another artist’s body of work. We get to know each other better. Community through music.

For this mix “Today” I chose essesq’s “Loop 2 Kinda Funky” pattern to build a foundation. I found a few chords to move a verse/chorus around the spanish guitar lick in the original loop, and cut up essesq’s poem “If Not Now, When?” over it to form a chorus. I really like the message of this poem. I pitch shifted and time shifted essesq’s spoken word to fit with the music. I’ve been dancing around the house for the last two weeks, singing “Today, if not now, when!” over and over. Not a bad mantra :)

Then the words of “Sultry Night” fit in so perfectly, especially in the 1st verse, and it was on. I was very happy about this. I had originally sung a first and second verse, and when I cut out the 1st verse and added in Sultry Night, it came much more alive.

I played some more guitar and some more guitar, and some more (lol, so old school) built a bass and drum loop to add support, and mixed it.

Thanks essesq! I really enjoyed this. I feel like I know you a bit better after mixing this track!

Each moment that passes is gone…it must be felt and done now!

"Today (essesq mashup)"
by spinningmerkaba

2009 - Licensed under
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