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Marmolada (Additional Percussion)

uploaded: Mon, Jan 28, 2008 @ 11:06 AM
Project:Stranded On Marmolada
Credit: Kaer Trouz
Recommends (1)
This is part of the Stranded On Marmolada collaboration project.

This is some of the additional percussion as used in Stranded on Marmolada.

The first two and a half minutes contain various beats and loops, played separately, then together to demonstrate how they would sound. The other three and a hlaf minutes is a single loop being ripped into little pieces with ableton’s “beat repeat” device, which is where some of Marmolada’s more Bjorkish drum sounds came from.

"Marmolada (Additional Percussion)"
by jaspertine

2008 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution (3.0)

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