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Air ccM

uploaded: Wed, Apr 29, 2009 @ 11:42 AM last modified: Sat, Aug 6, 2022 @ 1:43 AM  (del)
byJohn Pazdan
Recommends (16)
I was flying high above Vancouver with the ghost of Chester Rochester, who had stolen the clave from a Rashaan Roland Kirk b-side, and several natives of The Cameroon, who, while not wanting to admit it in the pre flight boarding (smart of them!), were actually Somalian pirates, but in their case were giving things back to the corporations plying their waters. Over the intercom, a semi-robotic voice informed us we would soon be terminal victims of the Corporate Swine Flu, so, you know, don’t worry, be happy! In THAT case, I mused, I might as well do yet another remitz no one will like, because hey, an epidemic is an epidemic, and I still have a copy of Acid that I had actually purchased in the last millennium, when I still had a few extra dollars.
Narva 9, who was excitedly waving to the plane 50,000 feet below, seemed to think this was a terrible idea as well, I mean good idea, a great idea, and when my plane landed back in Aurora Il, where I am spending my imposed by poverty and the fact that all music is now “free” retirement days drinking watery coffee and “munching” stale bits of tofu, there was a big package on the back porch with my name in gold gothic script on the front. Scout, my dog who is an Al qaeda operative, or reverse Al qaeda operative, I forget which, had been on her ham radio in the attic, I can always tell by the ozone smell on her fur.. “arff, woof” she opined, and I understood completely. Inside the box was a wire spool which I promptly inserted into the Wollensack and great gosh almighty, the voice of Narva 9 issued forth. I then called my friend Anchor, who lent me the cello part that I was going to remix before I stopped all that stuff, and as Chester had somehow managed to invite himself in as well, dragging his mahogany Gretsch kit by the skins as they say, well there it was. Anchor’s cello part, which he will not ok maybe will admit to the fact that he was indeed in that small hacienda near the Guatemalan border with Ry Cooder when Ry channeled the ghost of Blind Willie McTell..well, that fit in pretty dern smoov like the kids say, and I just KNOW that narva will be playing this at the dockside party when she finally gets her show “Vancouver Today, Vancouver Tomorrow, Vancouver Uber Alles” and Scout will finally be happy that her dog actually used the Commodore 64 for something other than writing emails to people in Budapest regarding the current political climate.

"Air ccM"
by John Pazdan

2009 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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