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LOOK (BettaThanUMix)

uploaded: Thu, Apr 7, 2011 @ 1:00 AM
FeaturingSOL, Jive Ass Sleepers, LoveShadow, DonkeyHorseMule, suonho,Robinhood76
Recommends (23)
More fun with a grin-inducing pella… thx to SOL and Covert for making this available to play with!

"LOOK (BettaThanUMix)"
by duckett

2011 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Noncommercial Sampling Plus

Click here for how to give credit and other conditions.

Editorial pick

Duckett’s remix of FORENSIC’s Look (which includes contributions from Loveshadow, Donkey Horse Mule, suonho, Robinhood76, and Jive Ass Sleepers) is unquestionably NSFW. And it is also unquestionably good, combining a ferocious rap with a sound that fuses Hip Hop with late sixties R&B, old school style.

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