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Glorious Compromising Soldier

uploaded: Sat, Mar 20, 2010 @ 6:24 PM
byDown With Ben
Recommends (19)
These pellas share a common theme of peace, so it made sense to me to try and blend them together. The words soldier, angel and human soul seemed to become more and more interchangeable with each listen… The task was made simpler by the fact that Snowflake really seems to favor the key of A… :) So with a little bit of speeding up on “Compromise,” some slowing down on the other two pells, throw in some bass-filled electronic backing and voila!

I created most of the samples using LMMS (Linux MultiMedia Studio). The others I pulled from my Acoustica Mixcraft loop library.

"Glorious Compromising Soldier"
by Down With Ben

2010 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Noncommercial Sampling Plus

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