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Quit 'Em Good

uploaded: Wed, Jul 21, 2010 @ 9:03 PM
byAdmiral Bob
Featuringunreal_dm, Hektor Thillet
Recommends (20)
A song that goes from vintage commercial to weird folk. Scomber deserves some credit here - probably wouldn’t have sung it so much like Don Henley if he hadn’t stuck that idea in my head!

Pella is here:

If you choose a song for the minute
Get it right this time
You’re making me testify
To a melody crime
You’re giving me prison time
For a melody crime
If you choose, you’ve go to pick ‘em good

If they hand you those little lead blocks
To put the story down
You better not let those ink-stained scribes
Turn the story around
Cause they will given half a chance
Get the story wrong
If you spill, you’ve got to spill ‘em good

I might take my sources for a ride
Loop them round the block
I’ve seen the sea, I can’t turn the tide
You can’t make them talk
They’ll wave, they’ll smile, they’ll wink
You can’t make them talk
If you quit, you’ve got to quit ‘em good.

"Quit 'Em Good"
by Admiral Bob

2010 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Noncommercial Sampling Plus

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