Imagination Rising Remix Event
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Jorge takes the jamming over

uploaded: Mon, Mar 5, 2012 @ 3:48 PM
byWired Ant
FeaturingMana Junkie;audiotechnica;Admiral Bob;franlopezvi;vo1k1;Debbizo;Laura
Recommends (15)
I have this ready since weeks. As I wanted to upload some other mixes appeared with AA´s “back talk” or Mana Junkie`s “I can´t sing”. So I kept it for a while.

The scenery in my head is the following one:

Late at night at “The Mixter Inn” a jam is going on. Mana Junkie finally was talked in to singing. The groove starts, Bob keen to play his new effect box.

Mana already at the mic, when suddenly Jorge the Spanish bar keeper (ever regarded as uncapable to speak) run to the mic and …, listen what happened then.

Thanks to all mentioned above for their splendid stems and pellas!

This was real fun!!!

"Jorge takes the jamming over"
by Wired Ant

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