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Food For The Soul

uploaded: Sat, Mar 2, 2024 @ 4:09 AM
FeaturingThe Admiral
Recommends (7)
The song was already written and mocked up but never used so when The Admiral came along with one of his marvelous performances how could I resist.

The Admirals vocal was first “de-reverbed” using a Waves plugin and then repitched and rephrased in Melodyne. A little bit of cut and paste was used which sadly left some of the vocals on the studio floor. Take a listen to the original vox to see how it all started.

Forty years later and Norma still works in the fish and chip shop selling cod and haddock and sometimes a little bit of sole!

Sister Norma’s on the telephone
She’s begging to be taken home
She’s had enough of convent life
And despite the fact they’d promised joy
She found herself always annoyed
Too tired of the trouble and the strife

And the Abbess in her wisdom spoke
And told her that her thoughts were smoke
And soon they’d clear and she would see the way
But Norma knew her time had come
She knew she had to cut and run
She had to find much brighter sunny days

So with special dispensation
Norma took a short vacation
Retreating to consider what to do
With her thoughts now firm and clear
She returned without her fears
And told the Abbess she would soon be on the move

So it was that two weeks later
Norma left behind her saviour
And went to work in Alan’s little shop
It sold fish and chips and meat pies
The finest food in everyones eyes
A little bit of heaven on our block

"Food For The Soul"
by Radioontheshelf

2024 - Licensed under
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Attribution (4.0)

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