Imagination Rising Remix Event
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The Noisy Brush

uploaded: Fri, Jan 14, 2022 @ 11:11 AM
FeaturingJavolenus & Girl Friday
Recommends (12)
Noel Gallagher says he has only one regret in life and that is being smashed out of his brain on booze the only time he met David Bowie.

The great Lou Reed and David Bowie had a love hate relationship. They both greatly admired each other but it was only in his later years that Reed would honour Bowie by calling him the greatest artist that ever lived.

Last week would have seen Bowies 75th birthday.

Took two of Jav’s 8 bar sections and used them as the driving motifs throughout the mix

You got me low down round this town everybody thinks I’m a sad faced clown
So perfect main suspect everyone knows I’m so direct
You me cup of China tea no biscuits just lots of leaves
Boy girl I’ve got the curls you’re the one who wants to learn

Its a rainy day in this town
Just another rainy day in this town
Rainy rainy rainy day in this town
My town

Its Noels glory as he tells another story about the Bowie man
The truth is somewhere hidden in the heart of an innocent plan
But how to find him when the ghosts of substance charm him
He’s hiding in the backroads of his dreams

Young Lou was ready for a kick start when David arrived
Ronson would transform them infront of their very eyes
Trident walls and foreign skin on majestic tones and downbeats
I’m walking far beyond the wild side I’m out on Rays dead end street

"The Noisy Brush"
by Radioontheshelf

2022 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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Editorial pick

Raidoontheshelf teams up with Javolenus and Noel Gallagher to share reflections on the late David Bowie, Lou Reed, Mick Ronson and Trident Studios. Check out this educational as well as musically appealing story telling.
