The Fingered Word
uploaded: Sat, Mar 13, 2021 @ 11:55 AM
It’s 7.00am on a Saturday so its grab a pot of coffee and singalong with a friend time.
The words are a jumble of thoughts as I read the news There’s a barber in Brazil who thinks he’s in Seville He sings arias just while he parts their hair And there’s a make up girl at Disney who paints faces hiding misery She’s just waiting for a chance to lose her cares And in downtown Shepton Mallet is a man whose breeding parrots To attack the principles of better folks He’s been playing flute for hours from ideas that have flowered And his mother thinks the boy should come back home In the Carnegie Deli is a man who strokes his belly He remembers when his waistline was much smaller He shares pickles with a princess who is showing signs of distress And he curses that he was not born much taller Simon Chandler says he’s beaten every bit of his addictions He’s cleaner than he’s ever been before But he still craves for a white line or a pill to fix the bad times And its always Bette Davis he adores I once promised Sonia Lewis I would tackle all the sewage That had run out of the gutter during the rains But all she really wanted was to go to visit Maui And wear lei’s and pretty mumu’s for her pain But she only reached the airport before they had to report That her ankle tag would force her to remain So I will eat at least three kippers before I start to whisper All the secrets that a foolish man can tell And I’ll drink diet coke and fanta and remember how I left her In the lobby of the famous Chelsea Hotel And like a victim of the movies I will accept any floozie Who will offer me a body for a coin It’s a trick of light and memory the spending of a bad penny A sensation that rarely leaves the loins
media, remix, non_commercial, audio, mp3, 44k, stereo, CBR, passion, male_vocals, indulging_unashamedley
The Fingered Word
The Mixversation
"The Fingered Word"
by Radioontheshelf 2021 - Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) Click here for how to give credit and other conditions. |