Imagination Rising Remix Event
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Give `Em Love

uploaded: Sat, Dec 24, 2011 @ 2:15 PM
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Give `Em Love

There is snow in the valley
It’s Decembers first fall
Summers gone and winters come to call
There’s a longing in my heart
`Cause another years past
Guess that nothing
And no one’s meant to last

So let the four winds blow
Coz I’m safe in what I know
Feel the wonder of the starlight above
When your pockets are empty
Think you aint got enough
Open up, your heart and give `em love

We’ve all got those memories of those Halcyon days
When the joy of just living made you smile
And now the winters seem longer
And the cold chill just stays
And you can’t feel the warmth from the fire

LS. Christmas Eve 2011.

"Give `Em Love"
by Loveshadow

2011 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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