Home » People » Fireproof_Babies » "Melancholy 4 a Sun-lit day"

Melancholy 4 a Sun-lit day

uploaded: Tue, May 12, 2009 @ 3:02 PM
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A musical study in ambivalence. At the time I first heard and downloaded the colab piano sample; It was dark and rainy, as I stared out the window. My mood matched the scene. I felt inspiration; And added gtrs the same day. By the time I got ‘round to the bass; I was still looking out the window; and it was sunny. Decided not to add percussion; but it could easily be done by someone else.

"Melancholy 4 a Sun-lit day"
by Fireproof_Babies

2009 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution (3.0)

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