RSVP for Jul 28 Livestream

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Found 43 total matches
...had a lo-fi organic downtempo feel (70-75bpm) a genre i enjoy working in. so with minimum time stretching and pitch editing my life
oliver's song an exercise in blending four different singers and merging their voices into one ,media,remix,non_commercial,audio,mp3,44k,...
...ding you hereโ€ฆ.a bit retunedโ€ฆbut hey, how funky you are !! i hope i matched the theme of: remixing is like metamorphosis in a
things change things change. as certain as anything, things change. sure, i could be blue with the best of them, but how does that mak...
...tened for hours and downloaded at least 12 different tracks & stems. i knew immediately [i]halcyon[/i] would be the foundational
...šŠ๐š all public domain via there are bound to be differences between the seeds and how they appear in their ste
... well we sat right down just the other day try to put some words together with a thousand and one better things to say but we co
...t of consciousness; it requires consistent action and enduring reformation of belief systems that led us to this collective point in
... allow the stems to double their energy in pitch. i wanted to see what would happen and it turns out that his stems do sound good wh
the good of the earth and sun another blending of three of apoxode's 80bpm chill mixes. this time with the addition of some synth from be...
Search Results From: User Pages
Found 13 total matches
supernnu01 supernnu01 investor compass is an internet-based social investment community for private investors that aims to maximize profi...
...swer on the road to doing business with pressure actually is based on to be able to admit the kind of anxiety you're undergoing. you
... southeast colorado cultivation is usually the hostile balance regarding chaotic celebration, short-lived speed being in this wor
... from chancius, 'bando' is an indie rock/dream pop concept album with a sci-fi twist. envisioned as an alternative rock opera, the a
... human perspective with the stark reality of geometrical, electronic technology. hours spent in the studio go by in seconds, and our
... create a uniquely "dope" sound. with his distinct lyrical flow and deep baritone voice, frank yola stands out among other up-and
... synthesized sound with hand-crafted drum/sound-based grooves and rhythmic textures. i perform in an one-man show format with keyboa
...borations they have done over the years: from poetry with suzi q. smith and jean-luc de meyer (front 242), to ebm / power-pop with j
positivelending positivelending
facelessiwonder facelessiwonder common grounds of thought when it comes down to those of earth , eye cannot play an instrument to save li...
Search Results From: Sample Pools and Trackbacks
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the art of not blending in burnshee thornside
Search Results From: Reviews
Found 161 total matches
review of 'a vibe' by 'apoxode' very open for blending, and spiritually soothing on its own. awesome work, thank you mwic :) [up][/up][up...
review of 'boss pidge' by 'radioontheshelf' great blending of the vocals with the powered chords as they drive through the mix[up][/up]
review of 'withered trees (walter berry's dream)' by 'apoxode' purely brilliant blending of energies, super cool freq distinction! love t...
review of 'traveling lights (sitting on the floor mix)' by 'radioontheshelf' great blending of the sources. reminded me of the wonderf...
review of 'gravity' by 'radioontheshelf' great blending of the vocals with the bt.[up][/up]
review of 'lenses of shadows (live remix)' by 'apoxode' fully charged and intensely produced! excellent work building the layers with the...
review of 'trade winds' by 'radioontheshelf' some vocals transcend into something much greater and so it is here. the blending of the ba...
review of 'trade winds (start again remix)' by 'radioontheshelf' great blending of the vocal with the bt[up][/up]
review of 'brutal' by 'ben blohowiak' i especially like the blending of disparate sources. now i gotta fetch my glowsticks from the back ...
...etches! well wound down, fully enjoyed :) [up][/up][up][/up]
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...llar that tells you itโ€™s going to be a butterfly.โ€ ~r. buckminster fuller we are in a time where new possibilities are teeming