Imagination Rising Remix Event

Interstellar Secret Mixter

LISTEN to the Dynamic Playlist HERE

Nothing is as fast as the speed of trust
-Stephen Covey

When we rely on the ability of others and when we share our talents, we warpspeed into galactic harmony and reveal the secrets of collaboration. This is one of the reasons why the Secret Mixter event is such an integral part of the ccMixter universe of sound. We give and we receive. We trust each other to groove on each other’s material. We find the essence of our artistry and take it to the next level. If you choose this mission, you join us at an exciting time… a time when ccMIxter is poised to jump into another galaxy of existence. Help us get there. Have confidence, trust yourself, and don’t tell anyone your assignment. This is a secret mission, but we will all soar together on upload day..

Sign-up now through 2/24. Assignments go out 2/25. Upload day is 3/11. Read the Secret Mixter rules HERE

This mixup is ancient history

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