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Life, Terms and Conditions ( by Marcio Galli, Voice by Dan Barry)

uploaded: Mon, Mar 6, 2006 @ 11:40 AM
Recommends (4)
A Cappella for Life, as a Service, as a Product, under the traditional Terms and Conditions we get in everyday life. Too many conditions to apply and govern how we govern our daily routine, and yet we can go on with energy to still enjoy how we live. I’ve mixed the overhead of the traditional terms with the beauty and simplicity of life, as-is. I hope you just enjoy the piece of reality and that good nice relaxing songs can be in the mix, and so mix the being. Life Life Life for all of us.
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"Life, Terms and Conditions ( by Marcio Galli, Voice by Dan Barry)"
by taboca

2006 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial

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