Resilience Secret Mixter Uploads in Progress

How I Did It

Personal Reality
by Mr_Yesterday
Recommends (6)
Tue, Nov 12, 2013 @ 3:14 PM

Tools I Used

Røde NT-1A, MOTU 838 mkII, Reaper (cleanup), Audacity (file conversion)

Original Samples

Original a capella voice.


I'm trying to get just my voice in these recordings. The Røde is really great for that: it adds pretty much nothing. Which also means the samples are really dry....

Other Notes

I often run out of time and need to pack up to travel and then do the uploads on the road. This is not without its perils. So my apologies to early listeners for the file mix-up and distorted, trimmed preview.

That's been replaced now by "Mr_Yesterday_-_Personal_Reality_2.mp3."

...but just in case you liked the accidentally "enhanced" version I left the stem-aligned copy up as "Mr_Yesterday_-_Personal_Reality.mp3."