RSVP for Jul 28 Livestream
Home » People » urmymuse » "up"


uploaded: Sun, Sep 11, 2022 @ 4:15 AM
FeaturingKara Square
Recommends (10)
Hello CCMixter-ites!

This mixter took me to Kara which I was delighted about - Kara thanks again for re-mixing me and my son last time :)

Track development was slightly strange due to the malicious attack on the site (i hope all is well now!)

I had started on a different spoken word piece but had just listened and not down loaded and then couldn’t

Luckily I had downloaded “Up” back in 2014 but hadn’t used for some reason and the idea i had fitted so everything turned out fine

As some of you know from twitter i do alot of looking up at the stars so double plus good!

Thanks so much Kara for a great pella

PS … this is the first outting on CCmixter of my “new” Wesley Plexiglass guitar which I got from an antique shop in Wales whilst on holiday ..its see thru !
Play up

by urmymuse

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Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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