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Home » People » Steven M Bryant » "Can't Afford Another Christmas"

Can't Afford Another Christmas

uploaded: Fri, Dec 23, 2011 @ 6:55 PM last modified: Sat, Dec 24, 2011 @ 7:59 AM  (replace)
bySteven M Bryant
FeaturingCopperhead, Robert Siekawitch
Recommends (26)
I heard this amazing track copperhead had up on his page and I asked him if I can send a Christmas version of it. He plugged it in and sent it back. I guess I just made the deadline lol
I cant take this time of year it always brings me down
Christmas music in my ears gaining ten more pounds
everyone has christmas cheer to me its one more failing year
Deck the halls with boughs of holly I’m so broke I cant be jolly
I hope they forgive me
I’m so broke my wallets empty
I’ll tell you this much
I cant afford another Christmas

Every year I have to look down at their little crying faces and I
have to let them down
I feel so useless!

A hand full of want a pocket full of gimmie
I’m so poor I havent any
I’m to broke to pay attention
I have thoughts I cannot mention
They know not to depend on me
This is my reality
Deck the halls with boughs of holly I’m so broke I cant be jolly

"Can't Afford Another Christmas"
by Steven M Bryant

2011 - Licensed under
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Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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