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Sanidade (Evoloopshun Mix)

uploaded: Tue, May 23, 2006 @ 6:07 PM
byUncool Bob
Recommends (3)
Chopped up Sanidade vocals, PorchCat synth madness and some human beats from Ran Dumb Dots formed the primordial soup for these crazy loops which I have spliced together for your listening pleasure.

The structure of the track is therefore a bit unorthodox - I didn’t have time to do anything more complicated.

If you particularly like any of the loops, just tell me where (mm:ss in the mp3) and I’ll upload them to ccMixter (broken down into instrument tracks of course).

"Sanidade (Evoloopshun Mix)"
by Uncool Bob

2006 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial

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