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Belly of the Biased Beast

uploaded: Thu, Aug 16, 2018 @ 4:16 PM last modified: Thu, Aug 16, 2018 @ 4:25 PM  (add)
byKara Square
Recommends (13)
This PSA (Public Service Announcement) goes out to a certain orange man who lives in a big white house and has deep hatred for “what is black, white and red (read) all over.”

I wrote this a couple weeks ago… during one of his attacks on the media… it’s a reminder of why the ‘Freedom of Press’ matters. How cool is it that 350 newspapers stood up to his rhetoric today? (Inspired by The Boston Globe’s call to action.) I’m quite proud that my local paper, The Columbus Dispatch, was part of the Editorial protest.

Many thanks to ingemannStrunch for sharing such an incredible and inspiring instrumental!

And so… I hope you dig…

p.s. Wanna remix it? Here are the vocal stems!

We watch the talking heads tell us the news of the day
We read the latest jaw-dropping headlines
We pick the channels and sites that slant the news towards our own beliefs
We hear political figures spew rhetoric about “fake news”
Persuading us to lose trust in the media
To doubt all journalists and reporters
To instead follow the leaders on Twitter
To go directly to the belly of the biased beast
To go directly to the belly of the biased beast

Forget the clever banter
Ignore the witty retorts
Renounce persuasive propaganda
Dismiss the orchestrated events
Reject the scripted reality television
Disregard the distractions of absurdity

Follow the facts
Pay attention to policy
Watch what your government is doing
Not what your government is saying
Read the words of journalists with integrity
And decide for yourself what you believe
Decide for yourself what is right— what is ethical
And when immoral actions are taken in your name

The press exists to monitor power
The press exists to truthfully convey what is witnessed
The press is composed of citizens with the duty to report to fellow citizens
The importance of the press cannot be overstated
Freedom of the press has been declared a human right by the United Nations
Freedom of the press protects the communication of information and opinions
From the interference of government
The dissemination of information is important
Expert opinions are valuable
Expression of opinion aids us all in constructing our own thoughts
Freedom of speech, freedom of the press
The right of the people to petition the government and to peaceably assemble
All co-exist in the First Amendment to the United States Constitution
This is on purpose

Follow the facts
Pay attention to policy
Watch what your government is doing
Not what your government is saying
Read the words of journalists with integrity
And decide for yourself what you believe
Decide for yourself what is right— what is ethical
And when immoral actions are taken in your name

"Belly of the Biased Beast"
by Kara Square

2018 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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