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The Robber Rosegroom (Prose)

uploaded: Thu, Jan 26, 2012 @ 12:58 AM
byHEKTOR THILLET (coffeeeurope)
Recommends (6)
*This was originally a dream I had soon after a recent tempestuous heartbreak. I guess these things do leave a lasting impression.*

*Thank you Virtual British Lady :-) *

The Robber Rosegroom
Written by COFFEEEUROPE [computer voiced]

I saw you in the gardens of my dreams…
There you were, stealing a rose while I slept.
Yes, I saw you there…
while swirling…
from the house where our love,
before it became a simple affair,
perched, then flew and gone wherever the wind blew.
From then on, misshapen, it swirled about…
with the lamenting and tempestuous breeze of my slumbering affliction.

"The Robber Rosegroom (Prose)"
by HEKTOR THILLET (coffeeeurope)

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