Theta Waves (4-7.5 Hz)
uploaded: Wed, Feb 18, 2015 @ 7:27 PM last modified: Wed, Feb 18, 2015 @ 7:39 PM (add)
OK, I had to try this again. First time I was working around 100 Hz, this time around 65 Hz.
Alpha- 4 Hz 70-L 66-R Alpha- 5 Hz 70-L 65-R Alpha- 6 Hz 70-L 64-R Alpha- 7 Hz 70-L 63-R Alpha- 7.5 Hz 70-L 62.5-R Theta (4-7.5Hz) – The Light Meditation And Sleeping Wave Theta brain waves are present during deep meditation and light sleep, including the all-important REM dream state. It is the realm of your subconsciousness and only experienced momentarily as you drift off to sleep from Alpha and wake from deep sleep (from Delta). It is said that a sense of deep spiritual connection and unity with the universe can be experienced at Theta. Your mind’s most deep-seated programs are at Theta and it is where you experience vivid visualizations, great inspiration, profound creativity and exceptional insight. Unlike your other brain waves, the elusive voice of Theta is a silent voice. It is at the Alpha-Theta border, from 7Hz to 8Hz, where the optimal range for visualization, mind programming and using the creative power of your mind begins. It’s the mental state which you consciously create your reality. At this frequency, you are conscious of your surroundings however your body is in deep relaxation.
music_for_healing, sample, media, non_commercial, audio, mp3, 44k, stereo, VBR, flac, theta, binaural_beats, music_therapy, meditation, sleep, rem, dreamy, spiritual_connection, unity, visualization, inspiration, creativity, insight
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"Theta Waves (4-7.5 Hz)"
by Jeris 2015 - Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) ![]() Click here for how to give credit and other conditions. |