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Translation Woes

permalink   Tue, Sep 19, 2006 @ 4:16 PM
I’m sorry that my very first post is a bug report; I wish there would be a different cause, but I think it’s important enough to still be starting like this.

First, I tried to send this report with the siteadmin contact form, but I always get this message:

Down for upgrade, check back soon

Troubleshooting new installations

So I thought it would be best to register and post here about the problems I see.

I’m a regular visitor of ccMixter from Germany. With the latest update of the ccHost software, I’m now automatically shown the German translations. However, it looks like the translation is not finished yet.

Also, it has one or two bugs with special characters (instead of an a umlaut the HTML entity รค is displayed, and I’ve seen “%szlig;” on the reviews page of a song), and it has some wrong translations, e.g. “What I pound on” is translated to “Was ich nicht mag” which is “What I don’t like”. (Might be a missing or interchanged entry in the translation file.)

I’d vote to turn this feature off again, as the rest of the content of the site is in english, anyway.

If anyone wants my help in sorting out those problems in greater detail, please feel free to cantact me and I’ll try to help the best I can.
permalink   Tue, Sep 19, 2006 @ 4:53 PM
Wait, if this is a ccHost question you need to get on the ccHost dev list.
permalink   AnotherAudioAmateur Tue, Sep 19, 2006 @ 5:12 PM
Sorry if I’ve been unclear, but it’s they way ccMixter is displayed after ccMixter was updated to the new version of ccHost.

I hope that’s clearer now?

To see the effect, use Firefox and put German as the preferred language in Preferences -> Advanced -> Languages

And the failing contact page also happens on ccMixter.

Hope this clears it up a bit…