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contest submissions

MC Jack in the Box
permalink   Sat, Feb 12, 2005 @ 9:36 AM
hi victor. i went to upload a couple mixes into the contests today and i got a message saying that they had already been entered. this may be true, but i don’t remember having actually entered either remix yet. i did upload them both to the site however a while back. i’m curious if uploading them to the site automatically enters them, or if they have been entered (i hope so). the 2 mixes are "2 letters only takes a second" for the militia contest and "This is just assimilation" for the freestyle contest.

of course, i could just be entirely confused. but that’s beyond the point.
permalink   Sat, Feb 12, 2005 @ 9:45 AM
Unfortunately the rules very explicitly state that you have to use the contest forms to enter them into the contest, otherwise they are just uploads to the site.

Your uploads and definitely *not* entered into the contests.

Not a problem though, all you have to do is delete the uploads you want to enter and then re-upload using the proper forms. You have 8hrs. ;)

Make sense?

MC Jack in the Box
permalink   Sat, Feb 12, 2005 @ 9:47 AM
he. i think so. i’ll go delete them now and re-upload them. thanks.
permalink   Sat, Feb 12, 2005 @ 9:52 AM
(I moved the topic to the ‘help’ forum)
MC Jack in the Box
permalink   Sat, Feb 12, 2005 @ 9:58 AM
haha. i thought i was on drugs…

anyways, i re-uploaded the files and it seemed to work fine. thanks victor!