Home » Forums » Features » REQUEST NEW CATEGORY


permalink   Sat, Dec 17, 2005 @ 11:47 AM
please santa, for christmas i would like a new category:
alternative or experimental sound.
i think we have some artists here who are being judged unfairly as they are producing experimental sound work rather than slightly less than conventional music. i also think that if you were to introduce this category, over time, it would attract a really interesting body of work from forward thinking individuals. it will be a slow starter, but in the long term, definitely worth it.
ashwan have until the 25th of december 2005 to respond to this message, otherwise rudolph gets it! (and i haven’t decided what IT! is yet…)
permalink   Sat, Dec 17, 2005 @ 12:52 PM
so far we’ve been using the “ tag cloud” as a genre delimiter rather than explicit tabs or a “genre tree” like some sites have.

You’ll notice that ‘experimental’ tag is about the same size as hip-hop and twice the size of ‘funky’ ;)

it would certainly be easy enough have a ‘popular genres’ page (these links work):

Hip Hop (remixes only)
Hip Hop (all)

would that do the trick? Not sure how else to segregate out stuff…??
permalink   Mon, Dec 19, 2005 @ 10:54 AM
Quote: so far we’ve been using the “ tag cloud” as a genre delimiter rather than explicit tabs or a “genre tree” like some sites have.

You’ll notice that ‘experimental’ tag is about the same size as hip-hop and twice the size of ‘funky’ ;)

it would certainly be easy enough have a ‘popular genres’ page (these links work):

Hip Hop (remixes only)
Hip Hop (all)

would that do the trick? Not sure how else to segregate out stuff…??

Yes, that’s down the right trail. Looking at the link to ‘experimental’, I find that a lot of work that is only perhaps a little edgy within its genre gets
labeled as experimental.

Perhaps a sorting by the tag “experimental sounds” would allow people to put “experimental” on their
“a little bit different” hip hop or rock entries, while having a tag “experimental sounds” for people who like to travel a bit off the map.

Of course, a “noise” heading would help, also.
permalink   Mon, Dec 19, 2005 @ 2:49 PM
Quote: Looking at the link to ‘experimental’, I find that a lot of work that is only perhaps a little edgy within its genre gets
labeled as experimental.

Perhaps a sorting by the tag “experimental sounds” would allow people to put “experimental” on their
“a little bit different” hip hop or rock entries, while having a tag “experimental sounds” for people who like to travel a bit off the map.

Of course, a “noise” heading would help, also.

yea, and i think that’s more what ash was asking for. the genre tags are community started, in other words the way the system is set up the genre tag is noticed when you and your "noisey" companions started using the ‘noisey’ tag (as the misspelled version here on my site)
permalink   Mon, Dec 26, 2005 @ 11:10 AM
TAGS,yeah, that’s fine, good system…but, generally, i think tags are something we try to label our music from a third party perspective at the last minute while we are uploading our music.
maybe we could allow listeners to not just rate our music and comment upon it, but also define what category or genre (or tags) should define it.
hmmm. it is flawed i know.
permalink   Mon, Dec 26, 2005 @ 11:16 AM

don’t know if this is of any interest to anyone…
permalink   Mon, Dec 26, 2005 @ 1:44 PM
Cool, Ashwan. Thanks for pointing this out. Looks interesting.


don’t know if this is of any interest to anyone…