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Different singer and sensible/PC lyrics wanted for cool tune

permalink   Mon, Jun 18, 2012 @ 2:57 PM

This is a song called 3 pin din plug, which is about wandering around town at school closing town as a stoned old hippy and being paranoid that the kids think I’m some sort of sex case!!!

However, it’s in an extremely poppy style (think Kylie, Spice Girls, One Direction etc) and I think it would work quite well as a pure pop song. All stems are included.


Andy W
permalink   Tue, Jun 19, 2012 @ 1:17 AM
I would rather post lyrics than vocals.

Not sure what sensible or PC lyrics means
I believe your song has verse-refrain-verse-refrain structure with ABAAC pattern.
Mine isn’t but still seems to fit.
Joan Ganz Cooney eat your heart out.

“Vegetable mixter” by Hamish Darby
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 unported

I like carrots, corn and peas
mashed potatoes; Oh, yes please!
gobble them down in twos and threes
glazed and steamy, finger-licking treats

I like beetroot; long snappy beans
Roasted pumpkin; red, yellow and greens
I like broccoli; miniature trees
Keep us fresh; vegetables for me

I like to nibble on a carrot
And nosey sniffle like a rabbit
Gladness utter is corn on the cob
Better with butter, put on a dob

rough attempt

I sing like a toad - c’mon people, help us out here !
permalink   economix Mon, Jul 2, 2012 @ 6:43 AM
This is my attempt to create some teacher candy to get a mixter track which kids can sing. Childrens content is not as strong as other collections like
permalink   stellarartwars Mon, Jul 2, 2012 @ 6:51 AM
Quote: economixI would rather post lyrics than vocals.

Not sure what sensible or PC lyrics means
I believe your song has verse-refrain-verse-refrain structure with ABAAC pattern.
Mine isn’t but still seems to fit.
Joan Ganz Cooney eat your heart out.

“Vegetable mixter” by Hamish Darby
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 unported

I like carrots, corn and peas
mashed potatoes; Oh, yes please!
gobble them down in twos and threes
glazed and steamy, finger-licking treats

I like beetroot; long snappy beans
Roasted pumpkin; red, yellow and greens
I like broccoli; miniature trees
Keep us fresh; vegetables for me

I like to nibble on a carrot
And nosey sniffle like a rabbit
Gladness utter is corn on the cob
Better with butter, put on a dob

rough attempt

I sing like a toad - c’mon people, help us out here !

Thank you for getting back to me, sorry for being rude in not doing so myself earlier :(
permalink   economix Fri, Jul 6, 2012 @ 7:27 AM
Painfully obvious I haven’t a clue about sound, but here is an attempt
permalink   Mon, Jul 2, 2012 @ 9:18 PM
Another possibility for collaboration - doesn’t really fit that tune.

“Tickled Ivory” by Hamish Darby
Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution Unported

Look at yourself
In the mirror twice a day
Take a deep breath and say
I’m gonna clench you
I’m gonna paste you
I’m gonna brush and clean you every which way
Up down
Both sides now
Back front
All around
I’ll show the world my pearly self
Don’t wanna put them on a shelf
So brush them over and underneath
Make time for a bite of life.

Just throwing ideas out there. I would like to see youth muisc about everyday subjects like bicycles and health. The kind of thing that copyright conscious educators might want to use.
permalink   stellarartwars Tue, Jul 3, 2012 @ 1:16 PM
Quote: economixAnother possibility for collaboration - doesn’t really fit that tune.

“Tickled Ivory” by Hamish Darby
Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution Unported

Look at yourself
In the mirror twice a day
Take a deep breath and say
I’m gonna clench you
I’m gonna paste you
I’m gonna brush and clean you every which way
Up down
Both sides now
Back front
All around
I’ll show the world my pearly self
Don’t wanna put them on a shelf
So brush them over and underneath
Make time for a bite of life.

Just throwing ideas out there. I would like to see youth muisc about everyday subjects like bicycles and health. The kind of thing that copyright conscious educators might want to use.

Excellent idea!
permalink   economix Thu, Jul 5, 2012 @ 8:33 AM
I think a kazoo is called for.