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All about licensing music in the real world

permalink   Wed, Aug 20, 2008 @ 9:07 AM
The Indie Band Survival Guide has a chapter on music licensing that may be the best explanation I’ve seen on this incredibly complicated topic.

You can download a CC licensed earlier version of the book here but the $10 for the new Amazon paperback version is definitely worth it.

Yes they mention ccM. Yes they sent me a free copy. No I wouldn’t plug it if I didn’t think it was worthy.

permalink   Wed, Aug 20, 2008 @ 8:31 PM
I’m currently not able to do much more around here lately than read, write, etc.
But hear, hear! C’mon, mixters- has VS ever steered you wrong?
Honestly, I’ve never known the man to post *anything* unless he can get behind it 100%. Whether people realize it now or later, there’s been something special going on ‘round ccMixter way over its history, and VS has made that possible. Regardless of whatever differences in personal musical taste, I’ll never stop being grateful for what I might’ve never discovered, had it not been for ccMixter. Maybe I hijacked this thread for a big gushy thanks, but there’s a reason for it…
permalink   victor Wed, Aug 20, 2008 @ 11:17 PM
A million years ago when Amazon was a fledgling site a friend asked me to write the forward to a technical book. I wrote a glowing rave saying how ‘essential’ the book is. A reviewer mentioned me by name as a reason he bought the book then went on to say it was the worst purchase he had ever made. At that point I thought it might be a good idea to read the book. Of course I agreed with reviewer. Lots of lessons all around in that episode.
permalink   duckett Thu, Aug 21, 2008 @ 2:07 AM
Um… “Never mind, forget I said anything”? Seriously, folks- while I’m the last sort of fella to attach myself to fanboy-like lovey, glowy endorsements (especially those that come off like self-serving hiney-smooching), I wouldn’t open my yap, if I didn’t witness personally (over the time I’ve stuck around here) what a conscientious job VS has done on our behalf. Can’t a remixer just say, “Thanks”? ;-)
You self-effacing so-and-so, you…
permalink   victor Thu, Aug 21, 2008 @ 7:10 AM
I have come to appreciate the importance of credibilty even when it strains a personal loyalty. I am all the more grateful when I don’t have to chose sides and humbled even more so when recognized for one by another like you have done. Not so simple maybe but a hearty thanks for sure :)