Join the Season of the Stars Remix Event!

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Viewing 96 - 108 of 1569 matches total
review of 'hypertext' by 'mr_yesterday' "drink a dance and do a little wishwaterfall thinking" nice...
review of 'morewater' by 'scomber' nice additions! more wine than water i say.
review of 'morewater' by 'spinningmerkaba' dude, this mix is awesome. like radiohead meets tom waits. [up][/up][up][/up][up][/up]
review of 'firefly's candy' by 'spinningmerkaba' be natural! apoxode's groove through the new orleans funk filter. can't help but move ...
review of 'morewater' by 'sackjo22' thanks for sharing. bravo.
review of 'morewater' by 'snowflake' i love how beautiful this song is, and the humor of the lyrics at the same time. your additions to t...
...o is brilliant. "be natural, be spiritual, be free!" (i'm honored to be included). [up][/up]
review of 'adrift' by 'siobhan dakay' i like the sounds you have used and the white noise which is coming in like a natural ambient sound...
review of 'morewater' by 'airtone' thank you for the remix, and for the creative uploads
review of 'morewater' by 'radioontheshelf' you have added to the creativity of airtone's mix in a really good way[up][/up]
review of 'morewater' by 'panu' and a nod to the vocalist, poet adisa mc kenzie. enjoyed this. . . [up][/up][up][/up][up][/up]
review of 'firefly in your head' by 'spinningmerkaba' the way you mix samples together is so natural you'd think this was all produced wi...
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