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...d or do you have an established spotify etc? if not should i just used malredeszik ? i'll be doing what i said i'd do for zenboy1955
...ation, and when you establish a motif, you immediately develop it like a boss :) [up][/up][up][/up]
...instrument that can establish a setting in just one bar of play, love it! [up][/up][up][/up]
...hups bereft of well established music structure and beats. been thinking about our earlier ccmixter material compared to our more r
review of 'the tree is wiser' by 'apoxode' avant garde madness! :) all of the bleeps and boops work to establish a disintegrating mindse...
...nce...has that anti-establishmentarianist feel fits perfectly with the title and subject matter [up][/up]
review of 'new earth' by 'snowflake' i love the opening! it establishes wonderful tension. the drums are awesome, the string lines unique...
review of 'trying not to break' by 'vickydan' your talent of mixer is well established .... the proof is here. good adaptation.[up][/up] to the core that established hip hop, i.e., the sampling of an existing track and use of the result for mcs to rap over. nicely d
review of 'i want to love you' by 'sackjo22' what a scrumptuous remix! i love the groove you established and your arrangement. thank you...
review of 'love (will come around)' by 'timberman' in a very short time, you've established yourself as one of the most interesting and o...
review of 'mag and coruscate_-_pincer move' by 'texasradiofish' the main synth riff does establish a cool groove, mv
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