Resilience Secret Mixter Mixing in Progress

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Viewing 12 - 24 of 49 matches total
review of 'chances' by 'doxent zsigmond' cool. [up][/up] fits very well as a soundtrack to a western movie with old trains.
review of 'chances' by 'mr_yesterday' fun! another hit from an alternate wayback universe...surely it happened.
review of 'pimped chances' by 'martijn de boer (nigid)' very nice! [up][/up][up][/up][up][/up]
review of 'pimped chances' by 'mr_yesterday' sweeeet!
review of 'pimped chances' by 'speck' the bass is so perfectly fit, drives the funky. great sound too. nicely done.
review of 'chances in our lives' by 'hans atom' very nice. and very warm and soft and fantastic, a bit psychadelic pop production...and a...
review of 'chances in our lives' by '@nop' love it. thanks for remixing!
review of 'chances in our lives' by 'mr_yesterday' you never cease to surprise me, speck. nice harp additions, too.
review of 'chances in our lives' by 'panu' knitted together beuatifully. . . [up][/up][up][/up][up][/up]
review of 'chances' by 'kara square' oh yeah! you're such a skilled songwriter, mr_y. seriously. this fantastic. your voice sounds wonder...
review of 'chances' by 'speck' man that's good blues, and an excellent presentation thereof.
review of 'chances' by 'darkroom' very nice
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